Butt toning while watching TV

Butt toning while watching TV

Making time for exercise is really important to me, I might not always get to the gym but that doesn't stop me from still achieving my exercise goals during the day whether it be ab toning first thing in the morning before I get out of bed, speed walking on the school run, 20-minute lunchtime HITT session or butt toning exercises in front of the TV, here are a few of my faves to help lift those cheeks :)

Before we begin there are 5 things to remember before exercising ...

  1. Start slow
  2. Quality not quantity 
  3. Mind-to-muscle
  4. Don‘t overdo it!
  5. Warm-up

Side leg lifts


Side leg lifts are great to do whilst watching tv. ##glutesworkout ##exerciseathome ##glutes ##activelifestyle ##fitboutique ##activewear ##leggingsoftiktok

♬ original sound - FitBoutiqueLtd

Product links: Night Camo Bra Top | Leggings (Coming soon)

Lay on your side in a straight line from head to toe, either rest your head in your hand or on your upper arm. Don’t let your hips roll forwards or backwards, use your non-supporting arm to stabilise you. Raise one leg up and back down again (this is one rep). When you’ve done all your reps on one side, turn to the other side and do the other leg. When you’ve done both legs once this is 1 set.

How to make it harder: Try pulsing (or half reps) at the top of the movement. Lift your leg up and do small (but controlled) up and down movements at the top of the exercise or add an ankle weight and keep the full range of movement.

Where you'll feel it: Your outer thighs and side butt.

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 20
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 20
  • Advanced: 3 sets of 30 

Sumo squat


Tone your ##glutes with ##sumosquats. ##glutesworkout ##exerciseathome ##fitboutique ##leggingsoftiktok ##squats

♬ original sound - FitBoutiqueLtd

Product links: Athena Grey Bra Top | Arctic Camo Leggings

Start with your legs wide apart (6 inches wider than your shoulders) and your toes facing outwards (45 degrees). Keep your weight in your heels with your torso leaned slightly forward. Lower your body down and push your bottom back like you’re going to sit down, keep your back flat (don’t round it) and lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel with the floor, push up through your heels and don’t lock out your knees at the top.

How to make it harder: Come up onto your toes to further incorporate calves and core, add half reps at the bottom or hold a weight (kettlebell, dumbbell) and keep the full range of movement.

Where you'll feel it: Your butt and upper legs (glutes, quads and hamstrings)

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 15 
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 15
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 15



Lunges are great for the ##glutes and ##legs. ##exerciseathome ##gluteexercises ##toneyourlegs ##fitboutique ##leggingsoftiktok ##leggings4life ##activewear

♬ original sound - FitBoutiqueLtd

Start with one leg stretched out in front of the other, toes facing forward, drop your body down slowly, at the bottom of the movement, the knee should be behind the toes, the knee should never go over the toes if this happens move your front foot further forward. Your bottom should be in the middle, slightly lean your torso forward to feel the exercise in your glutes more.

How to make it harder: Elevate your back leg (using a chair) or hold a dumbbell.

Where you'll feel it: butt (glutes) and upper leg (quads and hamstrings).

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 5 
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 10
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 15



How to do glute kickbacks ##glutesworkout ##exerciseathome ##growyourglutes ##fitboutique ##leggingsoftiktok ##leggingsforlife ##glutes ##kickbacks

♬ original sound - FitBoutiqueLtd

 Get on your hands and knees, knees bent at 90 degrees. Keep your knee bent throughout this movement, foot flat, push your foot up to the ceiling until it’s higher than your head, squeeze your buttocks at the top and lower the leg back down to its starting position. Remember to keep looking at the floor in order to keep your head in line with your spine.

How to make it harder: Pulse (or half reps) for 5 at the top between reps or add an ankle weight and keep the full range of motion.

Where you'll feel it: butt (glutes) and upper back leg (hamstrings) 

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 10
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 12
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 15

Glute bridge


How to do a glute bridge. ##fitness ##activewear ##glutesworkout ##exerciseathome ##fitboutique ##growtourglutes ##bumtoning

♬ original sound - FitBoutiqueLtd

 Lie on your back with bent knees, lift your bottom off the floor using your legs, go as high as possible without your shoulders coming off the floor and squeeze your buttocks at the top, lower back down and repeat. Remember to keep looking straight up in order to keep your head in line with your spine.

How to make it harder: Use one leg and keep the other one out straight or hold a weight in front of your pelvis.

Where you'll feel it: Butt (glutes) and upper legs (hamstrings and quads).

How many should you do:

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 10 
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 12
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 15

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