Tips for staying motivated

Tips on keeping motivated

I’m struggling with this one myself at the moment. The weather’s cold and dark here in Essex/UK, I live in big baggy jumpers and leggings and it’s very easy to find something more important to do than exercising. So here are a few tips to help keep you motivated and consistent with your fitness...

  1. Be realistic. Plan workouts around your life, if you can only spare 20 minutes a day that’s fine, as long as you’re moving.

  2. Enjoy your workouts. Find your favourite ways to move and stick to that until you want to try something else. One of my sisters dances around the living room when the kids are asleep at night, another of my sisters runs, whereas I prefer to lift weights and do short High-Intensity Training (HITT) sessions. If you enjoy it you’ll be a lot more motivated to do it. Eventually, try new ways to work out and embrace variety. I think I’ll give boxing a go next :)

  3. Don’t be afraid to change your routine. Life changes and routines change all the time, fit exercise in when it works best for you at that time. Before lockdown number 1 I went to the gym in my lunch breaks, then as work, became busier I went at night when the kids were in bed. Then during lockdown, I found it easier to get up early before my girls woke up and I started work, so I invested in some exercise bands and did home workouts with my bands and dumbbells and followed workouts on YouTube. Now I’m working from home. I tend to find an hour or so when the kids are at school and I’m mixing it up between the gym and home, but I’m sure it will change again soon too.

  4. Be consistent. Find certain days/times of the week you can stick to and schedule those consistently. It’s better to consistently workout 3-4 times a week than smash out 6 days for a few weeks and then none.

  5. Visualisations. Imagine yourself reaching your goals, but make them small reachable goals. Maybe you have a night out planned or a wedding to attend and you want to look nice in your outfit. When I was training to compete I constantly imagined myself on stage, it was the only thing that got me through! :)

  6. Don’t overdo it! If you are getting back into exercise, starting a new plan or trying to get back on track don’t go ‘all in’ on your first session back. This is my big mistake! It will either put you off your workout the next day or you could hurt yourself. Ease yourself in slowly, enjoy it and build on it.

  7. Celebrate - Join me and the rest of the Fit Boutique squad on Instagram, share your stories and pictures and let’s keep each other motivated.

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