5 tummy toning exercises you can do in your bedroom

Ab exercises on bed

Before you jump out of bed and get carried away with your everyday life, why don’t you stay in bed for an extra 20 minutes and do some ab toning exercises? A mattress has a slightly unstable surface which is great for core strength, improving balance, and toning abs.

Before you begin there are 5 things to remember before exercising ...

  1. Start slow
  2. Quality not quantity 
  3. Mind-to-muscle
  4. Don‘t overdo it!
  5. Warm-up



It’s ##crunch time 😉 ##absworkout ##exerciseathome ##core ##fitboutique ##leggingsoftiktok ##skullleggings 💀

♬ House Music(815721) - Pavel

Product links: Adjustable Bra Top - Black | Candy Skull Gym Leggings V2

Lay on your back with legs bent, reach up to your knees so your shoulders are off the floor, crunch that tummy and lower back down again. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way back down.

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 3 sets of 10
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 20
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 30 

Scissor kicks


Give ##scissorkicks a go during your ##coreworkout. ##core ##fitboutique ##premiumleggings ##skuleggings 💀

♬ House Music(815721) - Pavel

Lay flat on your back with your legs straight up. Keeping your legs straight, lower one leg at a time and straight back up to the ceiling, do one leg and then the other (1 repetition). To support your lower back put your hands under your bottom and remember that your lower back should be in contact with the surface at all times. Remember to keep breathing.

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 10
  • Intermediate: 2 sets of 20
  • Advanced: 3 sets of 20 

Toe touches


##toetouches ##abs ##core ##exerciseathome ##fitboutique ##leggingsoftiktok ##skullleggings 💀

♬ House Music(815721) - Pavel
Lay on your back with your legs straight up, reach your toes and back down again. Trying pulsing (or half reps) at the top (small movements, so you don’t come all the way down to the floor) to make it harder. Don’t hold your breath.

How many should you do: 

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 10
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 20
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 25 

Flutter Kicks


Try ##flutterkicks for ##abs and ##coretraining. ##exerciseathome ##fitboutique ##skullleggings 💀

♬ House Music(815721) - Pavel

Lay on your back, hands under your bottom to support your lower back, keep your lower back pressed down to the floor so that there are no gaps between the floor and your back. Extend your legs out straight so your heels are around 3 inches off the floor and raise one foot above the other alternately. Keep your core tight and keep breathing.

How many should you do: (each kick is a repetition)

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 10 repetitions or 2 sets of 10 seconds
  • Intermediate:  2 - 3 sets of 15 repetitions or 2 sets of 15 - 30 seconds
  • Advanced:  3 sets of 20 repetitions or 3 sets of 20 - 30 seconds



    Planks are a perfect ##coretraining exercise. Start on your knees and progress to feet. ##exerciseathome ##core ##fitboutique ##skullleggings

    ♬ House Music(815721) - Pavel
    Lay on your front, face the floor, put your weight on your elbows and knees, keep your back flat (don’t stick your bottom out), engage your core and don’t forget to breathe, hold….

    To make it harder, come off your knees and go onto your toes. There are many variations of a plank, but one way to make this exercise even harder is to raise one leg.

    How many should you do: 

    • Beginner: 1 x 30 seconds
    • Intermediate: 2 x 30 seconds
    • Advanced: 4 x 30 seconds

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